“We want to transform our hospitals, community services and primary care to enable us to meet the needs of local people and deliver better outcomes for patients.”

Care closer to home
The future of community healthcare - bringing care closer to home. Creating community hubs to help people in their community.Care closer to home
The future of community healthcare – bringing care closer to home. Creating community hubs to help people in their community.

Specialist hospitals
All the hospitals in Dorset will continue to provide services, but the services each one provides will be different in future.Specialist hospitals
All the hospitals in Dorset will continue to provide services, but the services each one provides will be different in future.

Maternity & paediatrics
How the changes will affect children, mothers and their babiesMaternity & paediatrics
How the changes will affect children, mothers and their babies.

Improving mental health
Creation and improvement of prevention and crisis support services for people.Improving mental health
Creation and improvement of prevention and crisis support services for people.
Latest News
Letter from Edward Argar MP July 2020
We have today published a letter from Edward Argar MP, Minister of State for Health in relation to the Clinical Services Review implementation phase.
Clinical Services Review update
Independent national experts on NHS service change have backed clinically-led plans to transform hospital services for the people of Dorset. In a landmark decision, the Independent Reconfiguration Panel (IRP) - an independent expert on [...]
New campaign to reassure the public of the positive future for Poole hospital
A new communications campaign has been launched to reassure the public of the positive future for Poole Hospital staff, services and site. The first phase of the campaign highlights what will be provided in the [...]